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In short, it is a Global Revolution in Independent Business!
The Global Abundance Program is the Home-Based Business that will allow
YOU and many others JUST LIKE YOU to live a life of Abundance!
It is based on the IDEA that Freedom is what YOU WANT, it is achievable,
and you can create the WEALTH you need to enjoy it!
The Global Abundance Program is the combination of 4 things critical to your online success.
1. G.A.P. is a MARKETING System: Every Independent Business Owner (I.B.O.) receives a dynamic website like this one, an advertising program that starts delivering prospects to your site the day you become an I.B.O., and personal Business Advisors who call and close the sales for YOU so YOU can earn a substantial income.
2. G.A.P. is a PROFIT System: Every sale of a G.A.P. system results in immediate profits to YOU starting with your very first sale, up to $8,500 depending on your entry package and qualification level. Also, you will share in multiple streams of income included right in your business with the exclusive products, MRP program, and additional businesses that are advertised on your marketing site.
3. G.A.P. is a TRAINING System: Every I.B.O. is part of the Universal Dream Team, a training powerhouse with over $10,000 worth of web conferencing, programs and videos to give YOU all the tools YOU need. G.A.P. also provides weekly training calls and the products you receive as an I.B.O. give YOU success training found nowhere else!
4. G.A.P. is a GIVING System: The commission model is unique and is based on the concept of giving back to those who help you succeed. The corporate structure of the company also gives 10% of all corporate profits to bring hope to a world in need.
Are you ready to learn more about this exciting business designed to transform the home-based business industry?
Take a complete tour of our website so you will understand what makes G.A.P. unique from every other business you see on the internet today.
Compare us to other online businesses and you will find we are The NEW CHAMPION in the independent business arena, no contest!
Would you like to be part of a real business built on integrity, lasting change and life-enhancing products?
NO ONE ELSE HAS Corporate Managed Marketing (CMM) INCLUDED in your business costs that begins sending laser-targeted prospects to your site from day one!
NO ONE ELSE HAS our exclusive CMM Co-Ops that include National TV Ads on Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, Golf Channel, MSNBC, CNN, and other major networks plus e-mail, web-based advertising, international business magazines and newspapers to drive millions of interested prospects to YOUR website.
NO ONE ELSE HAS the "Modified One-Up Immediate Cash Flow System" that pays YOU first from YOUR very first system sale! And YOU can earn up to $8,500 per system sale once fully positioned! You will also earn 50% of all retail product sales RIGHT FROM YOUR FIRST SALE!
NO ONE ELSE HAS the unique combination of products and tools that are exclusive to the Global Abundance Program. These are not rebundled and oversold digital products, but proprietary and exclusive to G.A.P.
NO ONE ELSE HAS the Mortgage Reduction Plus (MRP) program that eliminates your 30-year mortgage in 7-11 years with NO additional out-of-pocket expense. This will literally save YOU and your customers 10's or 100's of thousands of dollars in wasted interest.
NO ONE ELSE HAS OUR EXCLUSIVE Forex Program that helps remove the guesswork in growing your wealth.
NO ONE ELSE HAS all of the above PLUS Live Business Advisors who will call all your interested prospects and close the sales and see that your commissions are sent TO YOU.
NO ONE ELSE HAS the full backing of the Universal Dream Team, a team of multiple six-figure income earners who apply their expertise to YOUR marketing efforts.
NO ONE ELSE HAS a policy of giving 10% of Corporate Profits to bringing abundance to others in the world that do not have the same opportunities available to them.
What is unique about G.A.P.? EVERYTHING! Now, find out about our remarkable business packages.
Technorati: abundance
Monday, April 30, 2007
Is Global Abundance Program a Scam? Or is it Legit? Vol. 1
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Technorati: auto