Offering Foreclosure Services
Technorati: foreclosure
Friday, May 11, 2007
Lender Mediation Services
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11:34 PM
Labels: foreclosure, home, house, lender, loan, loss, mediation, mitigation, mortgage, save
The people of the world said no to war In Febby 2003
Ten million people marched the streets Ten million people said no.
You don't have to be a MAJOR genius To see what's going on.
Some guys, want to make a war, to make money for themselves. Thats it.
The United Nations said no to war Security Council said no.
Weapons inspectors said NO to war Even the CIA said no.
The largest countries said no to war India and China said no.
Russia and Turkey said no to war Indonesia said no.
Germany and France said no to war, Italy and Spain said no.
Norway and Sweden said no to war, Dutch and the Danes said no.
Council of Churches said no to war. Pope in Rome said no.
Billion Catholics said no to war. a Billion muslims said no.
Now let's remember who started this war, Let's remember them well.
The US Congress started this war For the money and the Patronage.
Republican party started this war, And half the Congress said yes.
Democratic Party started this war, And the Other Half said yes.
The Oil Industry Started this war For the money and the Patronage.
Exxon Mobil Unocal Texaco Chevron, Shell and BP
And the WAR industries started this war For the money and the Patronage.
Lockheed Martin, Halliburton, Boeing, Blackwell, Grumman, Bechtel.
Carlyle, Allied, Hanford, Livermore Fort Benning, Bangor, Fort Hood.
Fort Lewis, Pendleton, Whidbey, Bremerton, Groton and Newport News.
Well the Rendon Group, RAND, and your local University Enron and Texaco, Raytheon, Carlyle Perle and Wolfowitz
Private Equity started this war And it aint even over yet.
Generals in the Pentagon started this war, and the captains and colonels said yes.
They did it for the money and bonuses and they like the feeling of power.
Rush Limbaugh started this war, and his Ditto Heads said yes.
Corporate money started this war and FOX News said yes.
Ted Koppel Started this war Dan Rather and CBS
Roger Ailes started this war, Bill Kristol, Sean Hannity too.
Bill OReilly started this war Judith Miller and the New York Times.
Israeli government started this war, with their AIPAC Lobbyists.
Ken Lay, Tom Delay started this war, made a billion dollars too
Jerry Falwell Started this war and the congregations said yes.
Pat Robertson started this war and TV viewers said yes.
Well a church for war is a fallen church Your pastor is a heretic
Your churches are run by businessmen, Bigots and hypocrites.
The dollar hegemons started this war, To keep the US bubble alive.
Wall Street Banksters started this war, For the money and the patronage.
Mortgage bankers re-elected BUSH. Builders, brokers and Thieves.
Three trillion dollars of new money printed Nothin can resist the power
Three trillion dollars, the bankers and the powers Fell to their knees, in bliss
Comes down thru the channels, the Chamber o Commerce, Your city, county Zoning boards.
My Principal Started this war My coach and the PTA
We got soldiers and marines walking the halls signing kids up for war.
Well a school for war is an abomination
and the teachers are Nazi tools
Torture, murder and indoctrination don't serve the american nation
The same guys started the last ten wars. When we gonna break the rules?
Stop saluting the U.S. flag. Stop attending school.
Stop showing up at the corporations, Stop buying their products too.
Stop paying taxes to pay for wars, Gangsters, killers and thieves.
Bush and Cheney started this war, Let's remember them well.
Let's Put em in prison for the rest of their life, After that they can burn in hell.
Cause the people of the world said no to war In 2003 we said no.
Ten million people marched the streets Ten million people said no.
Technorati: anti