Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Electric Shock of Asperger's Children for Fun or Profit?

The Judge Rotenberg Center Charges $216,000 a year in tuition room and board. According to the 2005 JRC tax return, Dr. Matthew Israel has a salary of $306,831. In addition, he uses a tax vehicle known as a deferred compensation plan (where he doesn't pay taxes on deferred income) of $58,360 for a grand total of $365,000 in yearly compensation.The Judge Rotenberg Center received $41.7 million in public support from state governments. Only $4,585 was contributed by indirect public support. JRC earned approximately $76,000 in interest and investment income in 2005.The JRC had $708,000 in legal fees for that year?! Another $100,000 in postage?!The JRC also paid $571,000 in interest to someone. I intend to find out who is making loans to JRC and exposing them.JRC used the legally available depreciation adjustment to their taxable income of $1.1 million.JRC ended the year 2005 with $1.9 million in cash and cash equivalents.The JRC has total tax exempt bond issues of $16.4 million. This means that the local authorities approved bonds to finance various projects at JRC on a tax free basis. They also have a $1.8 million mortgage with a lending instituion, which I will investigage and expose.In addition to the above, the JRC reports that in 1999 they purchased a Lexus LS 400 for $57,530. Who might that have been for? In addition, how does that square with the non-profit status of JRC. Are they shuttling their students around in a Lexus sedan? I doubt it. Wow, Dr. Israel not only is in the 1% income bracket but he gets the JRC to purchase a very nice Lexus for him to drive too and from work!


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