Sunday, April 1, 2007

Dream Centre, Medicine Hat

April 1, 2007 The Dream Centre in Medicine Hat held a special event commemorating their final mortgage payment.


Richard saying Dont worry



Flipper Nation: Series Promo

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Flipper Nation: a country of people getting rich on realestate. Then the bubble bursts. That's when David Kimball andRichie Tatum have chosen to get into real estate. A day late
and a dollar short, they're trying to make it to a million dollars.


Flipper Nation #2

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The Blame Game. Real estate investors David Kimball andRichie Tatum check up on their team after learning that their first flip only netted them $75.

Together with Randy Reynolds (contractor), Raphael Como(landscaper), and Emmanuel Sharp (mortgage broker), they set out to find the next house to flip.


Flipper Nation #3

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FIGHT! Emotions run wild as David Kimball and Richie Tatumquestion their loyalty, their partnership, and the results oftheir first flip. Which will win in this contest of wills?
Friendship or Money... or BOTH!


Flipper Nation: Christmas Carol

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A special Christmas carol from Richie Tatum and David Kimball
of Flipper Nation - to all the real estate investors out
there... here's to more health and more wealth in 2007!
