Saturday, August 18, 2007

Money Store

Money Store (with the late Phil Rizzuto)


Me, Inc.

Is real job security just a thing of the past? Pam and Jack explore the value of the benefits offered at the workplace, especially the pros and cons of 401k plans. Working for "Me, Inc." is a way to protect oneself in light of eroding benefits. The Scam Alert involves a manager who stole money from her employees' 401k plans.
Learn more about your 401K plan at work. Understand the benefits available to you.
Beware of 401K fees. Visit to learn more about your retirement, investing, student loans, mortgages, self employment and much more.


Stock Market Guru's

Is there such a thing as a true stock market guru? Pam and Jack put CNBC's Mad Money host, Jim Cramer, to the test. This episode covers the phenomenon of the financial "guru" and examines how guru methods compare to betting at a racetrack. John Bogle and Ben Stein add their two cents. This week's Scam Alert shows that even wealthy Hollywood stars get cheated out of their money through investment schemes.



A week of financial disaster brought about by the mortgage and Chinese quality fiasco


We've Gone Green!

Electronic Signing


Patriot News Hour (Radio Show) Friday- August 17, 2007

Eric and Joltin' Joe wrap up the week with more news on the economic roller coaster after the Feds cut the DISCOUNT rate (Fed to bank rate) by 1/2 % point this morning before the market opened, but that doesn't help mortgage rates, which are up today. The problems are not FIXED; the dollar will continue to slide and interest rates will go up.
