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Loan Administration Company Helps Families Overcome Lending Obstacles
Waltham, MA - December 27, 2006 - CircleLending, the leader in
formalizing and servicing mortgage loans between friends andfamily, is bringing mortgage services to the masses throughstructured private loans. Widely regarded as a market pioneerin the financial services industry for designing products tomanage personal loans, CircleLending provides services thatreduce the financial risks, administrative hassles and emotional pitfalls of interpersonal loans.
Through CircleLending, the qualification requirements for aprivate mortgage are far less restrictive than those at abank, and with a private mortgage, borrowers benefit frominterest rates that are lower than any bank mortgageavailable. In addition, lenders can receive a higher return on their investment than they would through other investments.
According to Asheesh Advani, president and CEO ofCircleLending, private mortgages are used in all of the same ways that traditional bank loans are, such as to:
Purchase a home: The money borrowed can be used for the entirepurchase of the home, the down payment or to supplement bank financing.
Refinance a bank mortgage: The money can be used to lower theinterest rate, eliminate PMI and keep interest payments within the family rather than the bank.
Renovate a home: The money can be used in place of a home equity loan.
Owner-finance a home: The seller can finance the transactionallowing the buyer to pay all or part of the purchase price over time.
For home financing, private mortgages between relatives andfriends are particularly popular because they providecompelling benefits to both the borrower and lender. Bysetting up a private mortgage instead of a traditional bankmortgage, the borrower can realize thousands of dollars inpotential interest savings and tax deductions, while thelender can benefit from a monthly income stream and apredictable rate of return. All in all, a private mortgagewith CircleLending helps keep wealth where it belongs - in the family.
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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