Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rey Speaks To Montebello Board Of Realtors Part One

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Rey Ybarra speaks to the Montebello Board of Realtors membersin early 2007 at the Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles/Rosemead.His subject matter covers the useful internet streaming tools
now available to all businesses with services and products whowant to access the internet for the purpose of exposing to amuch greater audience, 24/7/365 at a fraction of the cost oftraditional newspaper, magazine, television, and radioadvertising campaigns. And they are listening now more thanever to utilize this new internet tool in order to competesuccessfully in an already overloaded marketplace with manynew entrants everyday. Find out more about Rey’sinformative Seminar this coming February 19 to increase salesby 85%, save thousands of dollars in traditional marketingcosts, market to millions of potential customers with internet video distribution channels.


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