Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bill Kearney on 'CASINO BREEDING' -- Monthly Statement

Monthly Statement 'scenario'

Take Mr. and Mrs. Jones, its March of 2007, and for the last six months they've been overwhelmed by TV, Radio, Newspapers, and Billboard advertisements showing happy people playing slot machines in this magnificent casino that opened in their neighborhood. Now, the Jones's, who are law-abiding citizens, and who have never had a desire to gambling in a casino, decide to visit this new facility. After all, how bad could it be, especially since those they voted for say it's a form of entertainment? Once inside the casino the first thing the Jones's do is sign up for their ''Total Rewards Card.'' The second thing they do is put a limit on how much money they will spend. Let's say they decide on $200. A few months pass from that day and the Jones's are reviewing their monthly statements. Now one of the Jones's does the math and says, "Wait a minute honey -- look how many hours we've been gambling, and how much we've lost. That $200 limit is over a $1,000, that's our mortgage payment, the kids' college money, and we're not always going together, you're going with the girls from work, I'm going with the guy's." Sending monthly will enable gamblers and their family members to spot a loved one's gambling problem before it gets out of hand.


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